Will you purchase existing installations?
Yes, we make acquisitions of existing machines, as well as undertaking new installations.
What size of turbines do you have?
Our turbine fleet ranges from 30kw to 100kw in size at present (but we can consider acquisition opportunities up to any size).
The towers on our existing fleet range from 18m to 42m in height.
How much power do they generate?
The output is very dependent upon the location, but our smallest machines are each generating around 120 Gwh per annum and our largest around 420 Gwh.
What is the life span of a turbine?
A turbine should last at least 20-30 years, as long as it is well monitored and regularly serviced. (It will generally require some refurbishment of the main moving parts during that time.)
What makes of turbine do you have?
We have turbines made by OEMs Harbon, Endurance, Xant, Evance, C&F and Lely Aircon/Rengineers.
What if there is no wind?
Most turbines will produce power down to a wind speed of around 2.5 m/s. No power is generated below this level.
What happens in very high winds?
In very high wind speeds, the turbines power themselves down.
So the power generated is intermittent?
Yes. Wind turbines are of course dependent upon there being sufficient wind. We can support our installations with power storage solutions (usually a battery, but it could be pumped hydro or hydrogen) that can mitigate against this, but if you are planning to have it supply your own needs, you should expect to still need 10-20% of your power to be imported from the grid.
Must the turbine be connected to the grid?
For our machines, yes. There will be a fee to connect to the grid, as well as the cost of any cabling, trenching and connecting to the grid that will be included as part of the overall cost of the installation, which Hilldino will cover.
What happens if there is a power cut?
As the wind turbines are grid-connected, if there is a power cut, the turbine is automatically switched off. This is a safety measure to protect individuals working to restore the power supply.
How long does it take to install?
Following an initial evaluation, the first stage is to obtain planning permission and apply for a new grid connection. It normally takes approximately 15 weeks for this to be completed. From product order to commissioning can take a further 2 months – subject to availability.
How much space is required for a turbine?
A clear space equal to the height of the tower would be the minimum, but to reduce turbulence, it is better to site the turbine away from buildings and trees which could create turbulence.
How often is maintenance required?
Hilldino will appoint a maintenance team which ensures servicing is straightforward and completed when required, but at a minimum, they should be checked and serviced annually.
Are you covered by a warranty?
Yes. Manufacturers’ warranties normally cover the controls and wind turbine for at least 5 years and in some cases more. We also have full commercial insurance on all our machines, which usually includes cover for Business Interruption.
What is the Feed-in Tariff?
The Feed in Tariff, or FIT, is a financial subsidy that was issued by the Government and is paid by power companies for generating clean, renewable energy. For 20 years from the date of installation, for every kWh produced (whether you use it yourself or sell it back into the Grid) the turbine owner will receive an index-linked payment.
In addition, if that power is then sold locally, or is exported to the grid, there is a further income stream earned.
Is there enough wind at my site?
We won’t know that until we have done some desktop research and then an initial site assessment. Once we believe a potential project is viable, we have partners who can do this work at no risk to the landowner.
Do I need planning permission?
Yes, planning permission is required. We at Hilldino are happy to work with partners to submit planning applications and secure permission.
Can you help with Endurance E3120 wind turbine refurbishment?
Unfortunately, the Endurance E3120 suffers from several fundamental design faults which cannot be resolved without a major rebuild. The manufacturer has gone under and there are many companies offering a temporary fix, none of which, in our view, solves the underlying issue. We have now completely redesigned and rebuilt our own Endurance turbines, which are now much stronger, much lighter, and they are performing considerably better than they did at installation. In fact, we are now confident enough with the result that we would be willing to invest in similar refurbishments of other Endurance turbines. So if you have one, please do get in touch.